17 Entitled People Who Are Suffering From Main Character Syndrome
Some people live in a world of their own imagination. Some people call them Karens, some people call them entitled, but we call them begging choosers. Somehow these folks are in the wrong on all accounts.
If you take your own bell to a restaurant, you might be a bad person. If you complain on social media about your service at a restaurant, you may be a bad person. If you think the world owes you something for being a special little snowflake, you're going to be sorely mistaken.
These are the stories of people who thought the world was out to get them, and if were being honest, they definitely deserved it.
If you're coming to my BBQ, at my house, which I paid for, you're going to drink whatever the heck I've purchased. Sorry.
YouTube comments are a different kind of stupid. It's actually pretty impressive to be honest.
Lmao, saying "if you're a good parent then please don't ask me out" in your dating bio is a huge flex. What a idiot.
This woman brought her own bell with her to get her server's attention. If she showed at where I worked with this I would make her eat it.