
16 Weirdly Fascinating Things You Probably Didn't Know

Unusual facts and strange occurrences that actually happened.


While waiting for his robbery trial, Robert Shepard spent a lot of time flossing his teeth. Well, that’s what the prison guards thought. In reality, though, he was using the waxed floss to braid a rope for his planned jailbreak. His patience led to success - he got over the 18-foot prison wall and hurried to his escape.


The Danes love celebrating one of their weirder ancient traditions: if a friend isn’t married by the age of 25, you can cover them in cinnamon. Yummy!


in 1905, Oakland kid Frank Epperson mixed soda with water and left it outside overnight with a wooden stirrer in the glass. On the next morning, it was frozen. That's how the popsicle was invented. Unintentionally. What a relief for future generations.



Ziona Chana’s family includes 39 wives, 14 daughters-in-law, and 33 grandkids. They all live in his mansion.


Tran van Hay stopped cutting his hair at the age of 25.


Brazil’s pizzas look a little strange.


The annual horse congress recently released a public statement complaining about common teeth-shaming. According to the congress, people making fun of long horse teeth has led to distorted beauty ideals among yearlings.


Did you know that hair keeps track of what has been circulating in your bloodstream? Cops and scientists have known for a long time and used this knowledge to their advantage.


A 1970 KFC campaign created a national tradition in Japan: every Christmas, the Japanese population enjoy huge buckets of chicken.



After the death of Kim Jong II, North Koreans had to participate in public mourning. However, if their tears weren’t convincing enough, they were sent off to work for six months in labor-training camps.


Muhammad Ali is the only celebrity who requested that his star on the Hollywood walk of fame couldn’t be walked on. This is why it’s now sitting on a wall instead of the walkway.


By now, the Mount Everest has claimed the lives of more than 200 climbers.


After WWI, Hungarian soldier Paul Kern was recovering from a severe head wound. Luckily, the injury hadn’t taken his life. What it did take from him was his sleep. Kern had to spend the rest of his life without one single night of sleep.



Chameleon tongues are about as long as their whole bodies.


In August 2010, an infamous traffic jam in china lasted for 10 days.


In 1994, the community of Oakville experienced an unpleasant surprise: for whatever reason, a strange rain of gelantinous blobs fell from the sky. Shortly afterwards, numerous people came down with unknown flu symptoms. Biochemical attack? Aliens? Evolving virus species? The appearance of the mysterious blobs has still not been explained.

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