16 Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories Some People Actually Think Are True

There's a popular theory about titanic never sinking and that it was an insurance scam. The theory claims that the ship that sunk was Olympic, not Titanic.

There's a group of people who think that the Dark Ages is a myth made up for propaganda purposes, and never actually happened.

Continuum, a magazine devoted to the idea that AIDS was a conspiracy, went out of print around 2001 after all the editors died of AIDS.
Were The Beatles manufactured by the Tavistock Institute of London and were all their songs written by Frankfurt School philosopher, Theodor Adorno, for the purpose of influencing social change?
There's a theory about the popular singer Andrew WK being a fabricated piece of performance art, concocted by a secret organization and his performances are actually “performed” by multiple people.
According to some, Hitler escaped via submarine into the “Hollow Earth” to a fortress under Antarctica.
The Flat Earth Society believes the world is actually flat, and the governments are lying to us.
Some theorists claim that the “Rugrats” babies were figments of Angelica’s schizophrenia, and not real at all.
There is a ”Lost Cosmonauts” conspiracy theory alleging that there are cosmonauts who actually entered space before Yuri Gagarin, but their stories were covered up by the USSR.
There is a conspiracy theory claiming that CIA blew up an island in the Gulf of Mexico to shift boundaries and get more oil.
Shark Week - an orchestrated plan by American government to scare people out of the water? When you are swimming or doing anything at the shore, you aren’t spending.
There is a “man will never fly” conspiracy theory that says that all airplanes are actually bullet trains and the passengers are fooled into thinking that they are flying.
There is a conspiracy theory that people don’t need to drink any liquid and that the thirst is the result of addiction.