
15 Certifiably Crushable 'SNL' Hotties

It’s the TikTok that launched 1,000 thirsty tweets. Late last month popular pop culture influencer  Jahelis, headed to TikTok with what may be the hot take of the century: “‘SNL’ has never hired a hot woman.”

“None of them have ever been like, hot,” she explained before citing Heidi Gardner and Kristen Wiig as two prime examples of this ‘Saturday Night Live’ phenomenon.

Naturally, the internet had a lot to say, flocking to Twitter to vouch for their faves, a long list including Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Ego Nwodim, and Nasim Pedrad.

Yet these ladies are far from our only ‘SNL’ crushes. From Abby Elliot to Chloe Fineman, here are 16 certified crushable ‘SNL’ hotties. 

1. Kristen Wiig

“I’ve had a crush on Kristen Wiig since her ‘SNL’ days.”

2. Ego Nwodim

“Ego is possibly the most beautiful person to ever be on ‘SNL.’”

3. Abby Elliot

“She was a very good performer on SNL and she was also my first SNL crush too.”


4. Tina Fey

"For the longest time Tina Fey was used as an example of how hot women can be funny too.”

5. Jenny Slate

“No you DONT understand the love I have for Jenny Slate. you never will.”

6. Sasheer Zamata

“SHE is an absolute doll!! Always loved her personality and incredible beauty.”

7. Cecily Strong

“There is video that says ‘SNL’ never hired hot woman. Cecily Strong [proves] otherwise.”

8. Heidi Gardner

“Her face is transfixing and she fits in every outfit like a phantom.”

9. Kate McKinnon

“Kate McKinnon is also a knockout”


10. Sarah Sherman

“I can't believe ‘none of them have ever been hot’ as if Sarah Squirm isn't right there”

11. Maya Rudolph

“Seeing Maya Rudolph in 2000 did something to me that I haven't gotten over yet.”

12. Ego Nwodim

“Ego is possibly the most beautiful person to ever be on ‘SNL.’”

13. Julia Louis-Dreyfus

“Disregard the absurd ignorance and sexism of this video, you’re really gonna tell me SNL never hired a “hot” woman when Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the right there?”


14. Chloe Fineman

“I start sweating every time Chloe Fineman on my screen.”

15. Nasim Pedrad

“Nasim??? She’s stunning and so talented!!!”

16. Vanessa Bayer

“Vanessa Bayer. I envy all the hosts she got to kiss.”

Categories: Wow Celebs

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