
16 Celebrities Who Died Without You Knowing

Tragically, these obscure and severely-underrated celebs have already passed, and you probably didn't even know it.


Nicole DeHuff played the sister whose wedding was ruined in the Ben Stiller movie "Meet the Parents". She ended up dying just 5 years later from pneumonia.


Sunny Johnson was the hottie from a number of classic films like "Animal House" and "Flashdance". And she died at age 30 in 1984, a time before said films became famous as well-known classics.


You'd instantly recognize her as the sex-toy shop woman with the major cleavage from "The Naked Gun 2 and a Half". Aside from that, Gina Mastrogiacomo had roles in many excellent films, like "Goodfellas" and "Jungle Fever". She died of a rare infection of the heart in 2001. If that weren't sad enough, her father followed her 6 months later.



Wendy Jo Sperber played Marty McFly's sister Linda in "Back to the Future". She also had roles in "Married... With Children", "Dinosaurs", and "8 Simple Rules...". She lost a battle with cancer in 2005.


A real up and coming actress, Romi Koch was in the freaky "Dead Doll" in 2004. She died just one year later.


Zoe Lund was an actress and model who starred in one of my favorite films, "Ms. 45". Unfortunately she was also an outspoken proponent of heroin use. She died in 1999.


Antoine Ashley became one of America's biggest drag queens, starring alongside RuPaul in "Drag Race". He died in 2012.


Holly Lewis was a quite famous film and voice actress known for roles in hits like "Oscar" and "Pirates of Silicon Valley". She's also credited as having done voice work for the "Grand Theft Auto" games. She died in 2012.


Lynne Thigpen is an easily-recognized actress who starred in tons of films and television series. Among the roles under her belt were bitchy Leona Barrett in "Lean on Me", Grandma Walker in "Blankman", and Judge Brenda Daniels in "Anger Management". Believe it or not, she didn't even live to see her final role on the screen. She died in 2003 of cerebral hemorrhage, with "Anger Management" being released posthumously.



Alice Playten not only scored awesome roles in films like "Legend" and "Heavy Metal", but she also was the voice of Beebe Bluff in the animated series "Doug". She died in 2011.


Teena Marie, one of the top female singers of the 80's, died as a result of a grand-mal seizure in 2010. She's known as the "Ivory Queen of Soul".


British actor Richard Griffiths may not have gotten really famous at all, if it weren't for the fact an entire generation is familiar with his role as Uncle Dursley from the "Harry Potter" film series. He just recently passed away due to complications from heart surgery at age 65.


Lisa Robin Kelley, who played Laurie on "That 70's Show", ended up becoming recognized more for her mugshot than her previous roles. She checked herself into rehab late last year, but died a few days later for reasons "still unknown".



David Graf, the loveable gun-obsessed cop we know as "Tackleberry" from the "Police Academy" film series, has been gone for quite a while. Sadly, he died back in 2001 from a heart attack.


Les Lye wasn't just a funny man known best for his slew of roles in the early 80's sketch comedy "You Can't Do That on Television". It was much more than that. He had a knack for acting so well he could do a spot-on interpretation of an entire host of personalities, just like the disgusting burger shop proprietor "Barth", or middle-class working slob "Lance Prevert", which we all came to love him for. It's far too sad to think he never had his shot in big time film. He died in 2008.


Anita Mui was known as the "Madonna of Hong Kong", leading the pop music scene as well as starring in a slew of kung-fu hits, like "Drunken Master", "Rumble in the Bronx", and "The Enforcer". She died of cervical cancer at age 40 in 2003.

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