16 Asian Film Thefts

The latest Hollywood film, just might be a rip-off from a foreign land.


Tartan Asia Extreme Could You Kill Your Best Friend? The Hunger Games Battle Royale Talsitano "Electrifying "Breathtaking humour" The Times "Wildly original.supercool Jonathan Ross "A solid gold cult dussie Uncut Dvd 10

Many across the web are now finally becoming familiar with this one, as the premise is frankly identical. I wouldn't be surprised if a lawsuit pops up eventually imho. The Hunger Games was a 2008 novel made into a film in 2012. "Battle Royale" was made in 2000, a hit Japanese film set in a dystopian future. Here, High School students are brought to an isolated location and forced to fight to the death under the government's yearly "Battle Royale Act". Bloody and beautiful, it's still far better, no book required.


shutter movie - Tartan Asia Extreme "The best asian horror film since the ring Tartan Asia Extreme The Grudge And The Ring' shutter Shutter a gripping supernatural Thriller"

Shutter 2004. Remade in 2008.


horror eye movies - Creep Jessica Alba The Eye The Eye In Theaters February 1

The Eye, 2002 China. Remade in 2008.



black swan movie

Those who are familiar with Perfect Blue will instantly get the idea. Although in Perfect Blue the protagonist is a pop singer instead of a dancer, the premise is basically identical, with fanatical obsession and the protagonist's spiral into madness. She is also hunted by her "double" and believes she has killed a person. If that isn't enough, youtube hosts videos comparing scenes side by side, in which the obvious stealing of effects and angles from the original is apparent.


The ONLY reason this is not technically a rip off is due to the fact an original "Judge Dredd" already exists, although some would consider it far better than the remake. But in 2011, Indonesia came out with "the Raid", which is a near identical film to the newer "Dredd", suspiciously. In fact, it's quite the hit, as sequels have been made. Even Tony Jaa of Ong Bak fame is in the third one!


Infernal Affairs 2002 Korea.... the Departed 2006.


Oldboy 2003 Korea. Remade in 2013.


geoul sokeuro or Into the Mirror 2003 Korea. Remade in 2008 as "Mirrors".


ringu - 1998 Japan. Remade in 2002.



Pulse Kairo - 2001 Japan. Remade in 2006.


Janghwa, Hongryeon A Tale of Two Sisters 2003. Remade in 2009 as the Uninvited. This is one remake that was especially embarrassing.


Chakushin ari One Missed Call 2003, Japan. Remade in 2008.


Ju-on 2002 Japan. Remade in 2004.



Bangkok Dangerous 2000 Korea. Remade in 2008.


honogurai mizu no soko kara, or Dark Water 2002. Remade in 2004.


Yojimbo 1961 Japan. Remade in 1964 as "A Fistful of Dollars".


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