
15 Underrated Facts about The (American) Office

'The Office' is an American mockumentary sitcom that first came out in 2005.

The TV Series has some of the most interesting characters, and best writing in comedy history. We've collected some wild facts about the show.


"In The Office episode "A Benihana Christmas," Michael Scott sang a few words to Eddie Money's "Two Tickets to Paradise." The joke cost the series $60,000." - u/Lolzzergrush


"Americans watched over 57 billion minutes of The Office in 2020." - u/pufballcat


"There were plans to have a spinoff show of "The Office" with Dwight Schrute running a bed-and-breakfast and beet farm. It was never picked up, but the pilot was filmed and later added into the ninth season of the show, titled "The Farm"." - u/pickycheestickeater



"John Krasinski wore a wig in season 3 of The Office so he could film Leatherheads. Krasinski pitched the idea to the producer who rejected it because it would be too obvious. John, who was wearing the wig during the meeting, told him it wouldn't be, took off the wig, and was granted approval." - u/handlit33


"iTunes helped save "The Office" when it reached four of the top five slots for downloaded TV shows in the platform. That’s when the people behind the show learned that their audience skewed young, rather than the white-collar workers they thought would be watching." - u/qasqaldag


"The Office character Dwight Schrute didn't just speak the Dothraki language from Game of Thrones, he improved it. The writers correctly used its grammar and invented a new construction. David J. Peterson, the language's creator, made it canon and named it the Schrutean compound." - u/ShabtaiBenOron


"That Paul Lieberstein, AKA Toby from The Office, was a writer for the first five seasons of King of the Hill." - u/pearlito


"Melora Hardin (The Office, US) was originally cast as the girlfriend for Back to the Future, but when Eric Stoltz was replaced by Michael J. Fox in pre-production the producers thought she was too tall and would tower over the new lead." - u/roadtrip-ne


"Ameenah Kaplan, who many know as the foreman who replaced Darryl in the U.S. adaptation of The Office, and has roles in The Avengers franchise, was one of the original members of the American cast of Stomp. She was also a drum coach for the Blue Man Group." - u/GoodDayTheJay



"Thanks to the U.S. version of the sitcom "The Office", Scranton, Pennsylvania has gone from a former coal city into a major tourist attraction, revitalizing its downtown area." - u/johnnylgarfield


"Paul Feig (Freaks and Geeks & The Office) went on the game show “The $25,000 pyramid” with the intent of quitting his day job and launching his career in stand-up comedy; he won $29k." - u/xtratopicality


"That in 1994 Rashida Jones (Karen from The Office & Ann from Parks and Rec.) wrote an open letter to Tupac in response to remarks made by him about her parents' interracial marriage. They eventually patched up their differences and Tupac went on to become friends with Rashida and her family." - u/Gemberlain


"The Office theme was originally 'Mr. Blue Sky' by ELO. It didn't work out and the eventual choice was written by Bob Thiele Jr, whose father co-wrote Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World". The final theme was later recorded by The Scrantones one week before the air-date of the premiere.” - u/goodvibezone



"While waiting for his audition for 'The Office', John Krasinski was telling someone about how he was worried the producers were going to screw the show up because of how great the British version is. The person he was talking to was Greg Daniels, the show's executive producer." - u/jkaeagle


"Phyllis from "The Office" would pay bills and do Christmas shopping online from the office computers in the background." - u/gmcl86


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