15 WTF Things that are Technically Legal

Cannibalism is the consumption of another human's body matter, whether consensual or not. In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism per se, but most, if not all, states have enacted laws that indirectly make it impossible to legally obtain and consume the body matter.

“Technically, you can stand on the sidewalk and stare into someone’s house through a window. It’s not illegal as long as you stay off of their property, but it’s really freaking creepy.”
“When I was a child, we had a creepy horrible neighbor that would harass my family constantly. One of the things he did was stand at the corner of his yard and videotape me playing in a pool with my friends (we were around 8). My parents called the police but were told that it’s legal if he’s on his property.”
“Saying, “Think of yourselves as sisters” when introducing a much younger new wife to one’s adult daughter. My father-in-law did this.”
“It’s technically legal to check if a door is locked, as long as you don’t enter without permission.”
“Sifting through someone else’s garbage bins. Cops and collection agencies do it all the time to gather evidence. It’s perfectly legal, as the bins are on the street which is public.”
“Tracking. Whether it’s Google, Facebook, the government, or whoever. F*ck right off with that.”