15 Scary Real Photos

Madam Violet, Queen of the Edinburgh Vampire Hive: She was voted scariest woman alive in the UK in 1882 and 1884.
This image was caught via security camera within a hospital. The figure on top of the patient appeared briefly before the patient's death a few hours later.
This is a tragic, real photo of a child killed by the poisonous gas leak of the Union Carbide plant disaster of 1984.
Skeletal hand of St. Valentin, bedecked in enough jewels and gold to buy food for a small country.
The bound feet of a Chinese woman, compared to a teacup on the right, and normal woman's shoe at left.
This is an as-of-yet unidentified planthopper found in the Suriname Rainforest last year during an expedition. 60 new species were discovered, with this one being only 5 mm long. So far it's been studied that the wispy hairs are actually waxy secretions from the abdomen.
Yet another paranormal photo taken in Pennsylvania's Gettysburg. This man was not there until after the photo was developed. Believe it or not, photos such as these are not uncommon.
Another mysterious beach creature that washed ashore--this one at Folly Beach, SC. It still hasn't been identified. It's over 10 ft. long and sports bony spikes along its torso.
John Torrington was one of the Franklin Expedition of the 1840s. The mission was to find the "Northwest Passage," the nonexistent seaway cutting through the Americas that would allow ships a shortcut to the Far East. The crew's vessel sunk, and as a result of lead poisoning from tainted cans, the final few men became deranged and attempted to carry furniture across Canada on foot. They all eventually succumbed to death. Torrington was buried in permafrost in 1846, which preserved him almost perfectly.
Beginning in the 1980s, all kinds of strange holes just like this one have been discovered in Russian forests. Anyone brave enough to descend into one only finds nothing. No construction equipment, noises, or any other sign of work has ever been reported in the area.
This is supposedly a creature caught and killed on campus at Madonna University at Okada. It's sworn real and students believe it signifies the "End Times".