15 People Reveal Personality Traits of Murderers they Were Close To
Thanks to the folks over at AskReddit, we've collected some of the wildest personality traits of real-life murderers. Most of these you would never suspect, but it's pretty telling to say the least.
See if you notice any common themes in these strange traits.

The church he was a member of frowned upon divorce, so he thought murder would be a better alternative.

Went to high school with a guy who murdered his parents because he got bad grades in college and didn't want them to see his report card. -jfarrell468

After working with hundreds of murderers, I can honestly say only a few made my skin crawl. It wasn't even the most heinous ones. It was the calm, intelligent, charming ones that freaked me out. -lokie65
A kid in one of my culinary school classes. A little odd, very opinionated about foods he didn’t like. “Pumpkin? Gross.” I always wondered why he was going into culinary arts as a picky eater. He ended up murdering a man with whom he may have been swapping sexual favors for housing. -katieeeb
My mother killed her mother (my grandmother) by overdosing and suffocation. My mom was a complete psycho: abusive, volatile, narcissistic. -poisontruffle2
When I was in my early twenties I met a guy that gave me the oddest vibe. The bloke was nice to me but almost too confident for comfort, had no idea of personal space and the entire aura he gave off just made me want to get the f*ck away from him. -Cutterbuck
Back in the early 90s my nephew and a couple of his friends killed this old man then took his van. I’d known my nephew my entire life and always had a feeling that he was going to be in some serious trouble at some point In time. He was always a trouble maker as a kid...talking back to his mother and lying all the time. -Recycled_Human_Flesh
One of my best friends murdered his ex girlfriend about 6 months after we graduated. There were some signs but most you could write off as something else like oh he’s just a risk taker or oh he’s just emotionally immature. -MotionlessWar
He cried, he did not look like the type that cried... I think we always knew something was off, but I cannot put my finger on exactly what, now that i try to remember... just.. how he kept things so shut inside himself. -Notareptileoverlord
I knew and was very close with someone like this many years ago. Without getting into too much detail, he had a position of power in my community and was secretly abusing it. He slept with many women (outside his marriage) in the guise of his leadership role. He was warm, charismatic and apparently a sociopath. -braineatingalien
My "cousin" had always been a spoiled jerk, when I heard that he killed someone over a video game, I wasn't surprised. Never had consequences growing up. -Cutestpotatox
The best way I can describe it is that he viewed everything in life as transactional and felt he was owed a great deal simply for existing and being smart. -wrw47
Friend of the family. My mother's best friend's sister had a boy my age. Whenever they came over my house we would play, but he'd be super aggressive about everything, had to be the toughest, best, meanest, etc. and would freak out if he lost at a board game. I came to hate playing with him. -HoraceBenbow
I knew a guy since first grade back in 1999 or something all the way to college. He was never violent or outright malicious but he liked to steal things. a few years ago I found out he murdered his girlfriend’s two year old daughter by punching her in the stomach several times all because she put her shoes on wrong. -bread-of-time