15 Illustrations Made By Killers

Art made by people famous for taking the lives of others.


Henry Lee Lucas was an American criminal, convicted of murder in 11 different cases. He had claimed to have committed a number of murders although he later recanted the confessions.


Daniel Harold Rolling, also known as the Gainesville Ripper, was an American serial killer who murdered five students in Gainesville, Florida.


Herbert William Mullin is a serial killer who committed 13 murders in California in the early 1970s.



Robin Gecht was once employeed by John Wayne Gacy and was convicted of stabbing his wife to death. The satanic cult he was in, "The Chicago Rippers," were suspected in the disappearance of 18 women.


Tommy Lynn Sells was convicted of killing a mother and son. He had spent the night with the mother and the next morning found her going through his backpack, so he beat her to death. He was also suspected in 7 other murder cases.


Wayne Lo is a Taiwanese-born American murderer who perpetrated the shooting at Simon's Rock College of Bard on December 14, 1992, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.


Charles Chi-Tat Ng is a Hong Kong-American serial killer. He is believed to have raped, tortured and murdered between 11 and 25 victims with his accomplice Leonard Lake at Lake's ranch in Calaveras County, California.


The Krays Twins were involved in armed robberies, arson, protection rackets, assaults, and the murders of Jack "The Hat" McVitie and George Cornell.


John Wayne Gacy, Jr. was an American serial killer and rapist, also known as the Killer Clown, who was convicted of the sexual assault and murder of a minimum of 33 teenage boys and young men.



Adolf Hitler ordered the death of 11-14 million people in the Holocaust. By his own hand, the only person he is known to have killed is himself.


Richard Ramirez was an American serial killer, rapist, and burglar. He was convicted of 13 counts of murder, 5 counts of attempted murder, 11 counts of sexual assault, and 14 counts of burglary.


Ottis Elwood Toole was an American who was convicted of six counts of murder and at one time admitted to four more murder charges.


Robert John Bardo is an American man serving life imprisonment after being convicted for the murder of American actress Rebecca Schaeffer, whom he had stalked for three years beforehand.



Edward James is an American murderer and sex offender. His appearance on the national television show America's Most Wanted led to his capture and conviction for the killings of an 8-year-old girl and her grandmother.


Christa Gail Pike, is the youngest woman to be sentenced to death in the United States during the post-Furman period. She was 20 when convicted for a torture and murder she committed at age 18.

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