
15 Fucked Up Stories From the Postmen of Reddit

One thing postmen have in common is that they have to deliver to some strange houses. It's uncanny the number of people that open their door either in their underwear or wearing nothing at all. 

These stories from r/AskReddit prove that people have no problem showing up to their door doing the strangest stuff.


I once delivered pizza to a rager. Not a stack of pizzas to a normal party, a single pizza to a huge riot of a party. Like, cars parked on the lawn, guys throwing up off the balcony, people fighting in the living room, hundreds of beer cans all over the places, all of it. I go in an ask for Amy, the person who ordered it, and everyone is pointing me to different directions. Eventually I find this girl doing 3 feet bong rips on the back porch. She looks at me and says "oh shit, my pizza", then hands me a crumpled up $100 bill and tells me to keep the change. As I'm getting in my car, a guy runs up asks me to do a beer run. I say I have to get back, and he says "ok, what if I pay you?". Then he gives me like $20 for running him down the street to the gas station. u/trundlinggrundle


I had a 50+ dude sitting on his patio in full salor moon cosplay. This is in a deep red horror show of a state. He froze like a dear in headlights. I just gave him his mail and said my usual, "have a great day." Some guy is cosplay isnt going to cause me any problems, he might smudge his makeup. It's the people that drive up on you asking for their check every day until they get it that can get violent and scary. u/SanguineThought


Naked dude soaking wet wearing nothing but a Cracker Barrel apron. First time ok, second time something is going on here. u/Mcshiggs



Did door to door sales for about a week when I was young and broke. Had an attractive woman answer the door wearing nothing but a very tiny bikini bottom. I thought I was about to get lucky, but it turned out her husband dared her to do it. They thought I was selling Jesus and wanted to fuck with me. u/wonkycockthruster


Very attractive married woman would call our service when her husband was out of town. The regular driver would show up for a booty call. One day I was covering his route and she showed up at the door fresh out of the shower with a house coat she carried instead of wearing. Surprised to see me instead of the other guy, she exclaimed, "sorry, no pick up today" u/ray_zhor


One lady opened the door and pissed her pants in front of me while she signed and her bf not so discreetly filmed if from behind her. u/Suitable-Anxiety9289


Not a Postman, but I had a Furry (dresssed up as a wolf/husky idk what it was) answer the door as my “initiation” job when I was a carpet technician. I had to steam clean the carpets in their Furry Fandom room. u/Inside_Proof


Not one but my neighbor works at this costume place not exactly sure what they do but she's always in something strange, like a hotdog or a sunshine costume you name it, and whenever she does receive a package he always seems to catch her before/after work, I'm pretty sure the mailman is like "wtf" every time u/AWoman27


UPS driver here I delivered to a housing complex for the mentally unstable and I got chased with a knife the instant the door opened. The staff said she’s not allowed anything pointy and they’re very sorry. The spot had the worst state funding imaginable and everyone was in shambles felt bad, but fuck make sure they get their meds please…. u/platesandquarters



On a stretcher. I worked for UPS and had to deliver to a sketchy quadplex apartment. Apparently the lady got stabbed to death early that morning. I didn't even realize I was walking into a crime scene. u/ajreed1995


Nothing too weird, the strangest reaction though was one time I was delivering cremated remains, which have a giant sticker saying that on the box. The dude opened the door and his face lit up like I was bringing him a cake for his birthday, he even yelled back into the house to say Fred was here. u/crovax3000


Not a postman but one of our salesmen presented a proposal to a client while the client was RECEIVING AN ENEMA FROM A HOME HEALTH NURSE IN THEIR LIVING ROOM. u/JayneDoe6000


Was a delivery driver for Jimmy John’s. Dude answered his door and had two very visible tvs in his living room stacked on top of each other on the wall. One had football, the other had hardcore porn. u/Distinct_Doughnut_62



Not a courier myself, but I'd been doing a costume test for my larp when my Amazon package arrived. Answered the door as an armoured, fully painted up orc. u/Anxious_Cap51


COVID positive and admitting it to me while signing for a certified. u/JohnnyK58


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