
13 Rare Pics From History That Are Seldom Seen

If you like history then you're in for a treat because this select gallery of historical photos will transport you to another time and place. You don't have to close your eye to imagine what working in a coal mine at the age of seven was like, just look at the faces of these kids and you'll feel it.


pics from history - A young Xi Jinping (right), now President of the People’s Republic of China, on his first visit to the US, where he stayed with the Dvochak family in Muscatine, Iowa, in 1985

A young Xi Jinping (right), now President of the People’s Republic of China, on his first visit to the US, where he stayed with the Dvochak family in Muscatine, Iowa, in 1985


pics from history - Japanese officers Toshiaki Mukai (center) and Tsuyoshi Noda (right) during their war crimes trial in China. During the Nanjing massacre, they competed over who could kill a 100 people with a sword first. After the two both killed over

Japanese officers Toshiaki Mukai (center) and Tsuyoshi Noda (right) during their war crimes trial in China. During the Nanjing massacre, they competed over who could kill a 100 people with a sword first. After the two both killed over a hundred people, they restarted to 150, 1947


pics from history - “The demon core” – the core of the third atomic bomb in WW2 that was never dropped, still managed to kill 2 American scientists

“The demon core” – the core of the third atomic bomb in WW2 that was never dropped, still managed to kill 2 American scientists



President George W. Bush announcing the beginning of the Afghanistan War in 2001


Six sumo wrestlers circa 1890


Marilyn Monroe visiting injured troops in Japan in 1954. This soldier had a broken back and had to heal facedown.


16 year old German Hitler Youth anti aircraft gunner Hans-Georg Henke, taken prisoner on April 3, 1945 in Germany


Children Working in a Pennsylvania Coal Mine (1911)


Portrait of Inuit Woman, Kootucktuck, in her beaded attigi, Fullerton Harbour, Nunavut, february 1905.



Battalion courier Adolf Hitler in May 1915, with his rifle slung over his shoulder, on his way to deliver a message during WWI


Joseph Goebbels with Catholic clergy giving Nazi salute. Germany. 1930’s.


Jews from Carpathian Ruthenia on the selection ramp at Auschwitz II, c. May 1944. Women and children are lined up on one side, men on the other, waiting for the SS to determine who was fit for work. About 20 percent at Auschwitz were selected for work and the rest gassed.


Meeting of Ainu people. Indigenous people from northern Japan. ca. 1900



Shoemaker’s Lunch, 1944. by Bernard Cole


Paper boys of The Daily Reflector as they get ready for the morning routes. Pitt County, North Carolina. December 10, 1955

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