
15 Spine-chilling 'Home Alone' Stories From the Web

Sometimes scary things happen at the most random times. Here are some real-life creepy experiences people had when they felt safe at home.


creepy stories home alone -- My brother and I were home from school because we were sick. We had a craftroom in the mostly unfinished basement and we were down there playing with miniatures.

"My brother and I were home from school because we were sick. We had a craft room in the mostly unfinished basement and we were down there playing with miniatures. Around noon we heard, VERY CLEARLY, the front door unlock, open, close, and someone walks in shoes across the foyer tile to the kitchen and turns on the sink.

They then turned off the sink and went up the stairs to the second floor. I figured it was my stepdad and called my mum to let her know he came home for lunch. She had just got off the phone with my stepdad and he was in his office at work.

She called him back and he came ripping home while we hid in the basement. Although we never heard the person come back down the stairs we didn't find anyone in the house." - JamesonZane


creepy stories home alone - Someone started trying to force the door of my small garage apartment open,

"Someone started trying to force the door of my small garage apartment open, while I was laying in bed inches from the door, at around 2 am. I picked up my phone and called my dad (I was living in the detached garage apartment behind his house) and asked him if he was trying to get into my room for some reason.

I was nearly petrified and I was whispering but whoever it was stopped and ran off as soon as they heard my voice. I think they thought it was a storage shed and they were just trying to burglarize it or maybe trying to find and steal my dad's motorcycle. I think they didn't bargain on someone being inside." - RainWindowCoffee


creepy stories home alone - My neighbor shot 2 people in his house.

"My neighbor shot 2 people in his house. Then proceeded to hide the gun behind my house. I was home and watched him out the window. I didn't know what he was doing at the time. It wasn't until later I found out what had happened. The victims both died." - offtuna



"I had a giant Bernese Mountain Dog. Thing never barked his whole life. Was the least aggressive animal I've ever met. Unless he was pawing at you for pets. Point is - calm, quiet, and gentle. One night, I was home alone as a child, 9-10 ish I honestly don't remember exactly. I hear a dog - after all, it couldn't be mine - barking up a storm.

Didn't think much of it. Until he was at the sliding glass door, all hair on end, barking his ass off. I let him in and he physically shoved me back, then stood between me and the door for five of the scariest minutes of my life. He just growled and barked the whole time. Wouldn't let me anywhere near the door.

Then like a f**king light he just turned around, licked me, and laid down. I have no f**king earthly clue what was out there, but it wasn't getting to me." - KhaosElement


"A guy popped his head in my bedroom door, looked at me, and quickly left when he saw me. It was dark so assumed it was one of my housemates and I was more concerned that they didn't knock before entering until I got up and realized the house was empty and nobody was home." - FugaziRoker


"As I'm laying on the couch watching TV late at night, I hear a tapping on the glass. I brush it off, only to have it happen again about a minute or so later. I turn to look out our sliding glass back door, which had always given me the creeps with no blinds or lighting in the back yard, to see of all things someone standing outside wearing a scream costume.

My mind started racing as to who it might be, perhaps one of my sister's friends? I wasn't about to go outside and find out! They slinked away into the darkness before I found my nerve. Turns out my 70 yo grandma decided to scare the shit out of me lol." - AmbivalentEnthusiast


"Once was watching arachnophobia as a 13 year old on Halloween. Went to go to bed, got a little nervous because of the movie, decided to just shake out my bedspread. Found a solid 3 inch wolf spider sitting like an Andes mint on my pillow. Slept in the bathtub that night. Idk why that felt safe but it did" - kharmatika


"My ordinarily docile and super friendly lab/golden retriever named Teddy ran down to the basement of a house my wife and I were renting, and he started barking at an empty corner. The walls were cinder block, floor was thick poured concrete, no discernible explanation.

Teddy was growling ferociously and his back was hackled… I had to carry him upstairs and shut the door to keep him from running back to that spot. He’d never done anything like that before, or in the years since. Really weird occurrence, and I still wonder about it late at night sometimes." - JasonTheCoder


"My stereo turned itself on at 4am one morning. It was a talk show. But from my bedroom upstairs, the volume was too low to realize that. So I thought people were talking in my living room while they were trying to rob me in my sleep, until about 10 minutes later, when a commercial I recognized played." - ArmyOfDog



"Years ago, a stranger smelled weed outside my apartment and knocked on my door. They wanted to join and smoke. I apologized and said no. Later that night, I left to go out. When I came home my air conditioner was knocked in and there were signs of someone trying to force entry." - tassadank


"It was late at night, I was home alone with my bedroom door closed. All of a sudden there was a loud scratching and shaking at the bedroom door. Like something trying to claw its way through the door. It lasted about 20 seconds. To this day I still have no idea what it was, but it scared the shit out of me." - speedy_162005


"A toy declared "I SEE YOU!" when I walked past it late at night. You need to press a button on its hand for it to say something." - basementdiplomat


"I was awoken in the middle of the night to something pulling on my comforter at the foot of my bed. I look down the foot of my bed and see this three or four foot shadow figure trying to climb on my bed. I panicked thinking I was about to get murdered. I flipped on the light to find my 15lbs dog trying to drag my 4 foot teddy bear onto my bed. It was terrifying in the moment, now I just find it hilarious" - Accomplished-Gap5856



"When I was about 11 or 12, I was home alone when a really creepy-sounding dude called my house and asked where my dad was. Like an idiot I told him he wasn’t home. The guy’s response was to started laughing and then tell someone else, “He says he’s not home…” the other dude in the background started creepily laughing as well and then the line went dead. I ended up grabbing two hockey sticks and waiting by the front door until my parents returned a couple hours later. Terrifying and weird." - OBannion


"Middle of the night watching TV. A huge glass-breaking noise coming from the kitchen. As if a dozen of glass cups just fell off the table on the floor. Ran to the kitchen to checkout the noise but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing at all. Everything was in place!" - _Doda


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