
14 Vintage Freak Show Performers

Some of the most famous circus freaks in history.


Ella Harper was one of the highest-earning freak show attractions in history. Suffering from back knees deformity, she was a crowd magnet.


Alice E. Doherty, the werewolf girl.


Robert Huddleston was known as The Pony Boy, because of his back knee deformity, and while he couldn't stand upright, he turned his disability into a career.



Sealo The Seal Boy suffered from a deformation called phocomelia. He was performing normal tasks with his stunted arms, for people's entertainment and was known for having a magnificent personality.


Mignon, The Penguin Girl. Like Sealo, she suffered from phocomelia. She married twice - first to a "normie," then to Hoppy, The Frog Boy.


Twin brothers Robert and John Eck performed as a magician duo - showing a very realistic sawing in half trick. While Robert was a regular guy, John was missing the lower half of his body, which made it look like John was cut into two parts.


Chiquita, The Living Doll, was a famous and very cute dwarf lady.


After having lost most of his face in a gasoline explosion, Sam Alexander, who was an actor prior to his accident, turned his disfigurement into a moneymaker. He named himself The Man With Two Faces and he would wear a lifelike face mask made by a brilliant prosthetics master, that he removed to show his horribly-disfigured face.


Myrtle Corbin had four legs and two vaginas. She was able to control her extra limbs.



Priscilla Lauther, also known as Percilla, was known as The Monkey Girl. She had a lovely personality, and met the man she fell in love with at her work place. Percilla and The Alligator Skinned Man remained happily married for almost 60 years.


Maxine Mina from Phillipines had two sets of limbs, which she could control. Known as The Four Legged Girl, she would perform naked, to show off her deformity to the fullest.


Joseph Merrick was the famous Elephant Man.


Krao, often referred to as The Missing Link, was a freak show performer ever since she was a small child. She later reached a kind of celebrity status among freaks and displayed herself to the audience on her own terms, without the need of a promoter.



Francesco Lentini had 3 legs. When he was a child, he hated his extra limb, which was the cause his family sent him to live in a home for disabled children. It was there where he gained his lust for life, embraced his disfigurement, and turned it into a merit, joining circus.

Categories: Creepy

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