14 of the Stupidest Conspiracies Ever Thought Up

Some people decided to share these mind numbing things they might actually believe. But people are dumb so you know people actually believe these.
1. The Earth used to be flat, but the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs folded the flat Earth round. The dinosaurs now live on the inside of the planet.
2. F1 cars don't have engines, instead they release air out of a pressurized tank.
3. Weather men work with grocery stores to cause panic buying of necessities by exaggerating major snow storms.
4. Another sun exists in the center of the Earth.
5. By introducing alternatives like almond and soy milks the public is being led away from cows milk allowing the U.S. government to weaponize it.
6. Hiroshima was bombed to destroy alien bases beneath it.
7. "Planet X" will crash into the Earth very soon.
8. Auto detailers control how wide parking lot spaces can be, this causes more dents and scrapes by forcing them to be narrow.
9. Ships float due to unknown powers within the ship.
10. Australia doesn't exist and is just a tiny island off New Zealand.
11. Mermaids are real but the government is hiding them from us.
12. Finland is just east Sweden. There is nothing but water where Finland is supposed to be.
13. JFK's head exploded and he was not shot.
14. Noise from wind turbines causes cancer.
Categories: Wtf Facts

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