
14 Crazy Weird Mysteries That Still Aren't Solved

Stuff that still has little to no explanation. Some of these you might know about a lot of these you may know nothing about. One thing is true, no one has any answers.


D.B. Cooper - In 1971 a man hijacked a plane, demanding $200,000 or he was going to detonate a bomb. He later jumped out of the plane with the money and a parachute, and was never seen again.


The Voynich Manuscript - This is a 15th century manuscript that no one has ever been able to decipher.


The Green Children of Woolpit - In the 12th century two children with green skin appeared in the village of Woolpit, they spoke an unknown language and only ate broad beans. They claimed to be from a subterranean community full of green people.



The Dance Plague of 1518 - In Strasbourg, Alsace 400 people started dancing and couldn't stop themselves. Scientists have never understood why.


The strange case of SM U-28 - When this U-boat sunk a British steamer its boiler exploded under the waves sending debris everywhere, including a strange crocodile-like sea creature estimated to be over 65 feet long.


The Oakville Blobs - In 1994 gelatinous blobs rained down from the sky. The blobs contained white blood cells and bacteria found in our guts.


The Baghdad Battery - These artifacts were found in modern-day Iraq, dating back to 250 BC, before it was thought this technology was even possible.


The WOW Signal - In 1971 Ohio's Big Ear radio telescope received a weird signal from space. It lasted 72 seconds, and has never been detected since.


The Tamám Should Case - In 1948 a dead man was found on a beach in Australia with no ID or any records of his existence.



The Mothman - An urban legend starting in the 1960's claims people have been seeing a strange figure with wings and glowing eyes in West Virginia.


The Escape from Alcatraz - Four men escaped from Alcatraz in 1962 never to be caught again.


The reincarnation of the Pollock sisters - In 1957 two sisters died in a car crash. A year later their mother gave birth to twin sisters. When the twins could talk they began requesting toys that belonged to their dead sisters, and possessed knowledge only their sisters would know.


The Sodder Children - In 1945 the Sodder home burned down and supposedly killed 5 of the 10 children. The bodies of the dead children were never found.



The lost colony of Roanoke - Back in 1587 John white founded a colony in North Carolina. One day he left for supplies, but when he returned there was no sign of the colony except the word "Croatoan" carved into a tree.

Categories: Creepy

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