
14 Awesome Must-Have Products That Could Double as Father's Day Gifts

A collection of actually useful things anyone can enjoy.


Now you can be fashionable while also being prepared with this Xplore Emergency Survival Bracelet. Features paracord rope, flint fire starter, emergency whistle, a scraper / knife, and a compass - $9.99 Get it HERE


Relive those classic moments from your favorite games with the NES Retro Gaming Console with 500 Classic Games (HD Output) - $30.99 Get it HERE


Nothing makes grilling more enjoyable than having all the tools you need to get the job done. This complete set has everything you need to cook like a pro. Ultimate BBQ Stainless Still Heavy Duty Grill Kit - $45.99 Get it HERE



Release some of that pent up aggression at the office without getting a pair of shiny metal bracelets with the Stress Relieving Desktop Punching Bag - $19.99 Get it HERE


No man's (or woman's) liquor cabinet is complete without a nice set of Whiskey glasses and stones, so get yourself a set of Classy Whiskey Glasses With Whiskey Stones - $29.99 Get it HERE


Do you just hate those short, flimsy phone cables? Well now you never have to experience the aggravation of a short cord (other than your own). 10 Ft High Speed USB 2.0 Charging / Phone Cable - $10.99 Get it HERE


Add some color to the room and some moisture to the air with this Color Changing Oil Diffuser / Humidifier - $21.99 Get it HERE


Is your dad the dadliest dad to ever dad? Let him know with the Great Dad Donald Trump Coffee Mug - $13.99 Get it HERE


Does your car or truck have a funky oder you can't get rid of? Was the previous owner a smoker? Now you can get rid of those unpleasant smells with the Portable / Car Air Purifier, Ionizer, Allergen Eliminator - $18.99 Get it HERE



Ever needed a pen and thought "Gee I wish this could also save my life in a pinch?" Now you can with the Tactical Pen for Self Defense and Emergency Survival - $11.87 Get it HERE


Hate having to take a break from gaming, or use a free hand just to spark one up? Never again with the ring-styled hands free cigarette holder - $7.99 Get it HERE


Tired of picking out your favorite flavors from the pack of Starburst chews? Now you can get a 2lb. bag of your favorite. 2lb Bag of Strawberry Starburst Chews - $22.94Get it HERE


An interesting desk gadget that is also educational. Magnetic Levitation Globe with LED Lights - $26.99 Get it HERE



Have a hard time remembering if the dishes in the dishwater are clean or dirty? Well wonder no more with this Magnetic Clean / Dirty Dishwasher Indicator - $9.99 Get it HERE

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