
13 Kitchen Accessories That Will Make Cooking A Joy

Leave behind those multi-colored plastic utensils of your college years and take your kitchen to the next level.


One of the biggest challenges when cooking with spices and herbs is keeping them fresh in the fridge. Solve that issue with these futuristic looking Herb Savor Pods (3 Pack) - $26.99 Get it HERE.


Defrosting meat can be a real pain in the arse. This awesome defrosting mat uses no electricity, no chemicals, and no microwave. Skip the hassle and avoid the mess with the VonShef Defrosting Tray - $21.99 Get it HERE.


A pair of durable and sharp scissors are a MUST for any kitchen. Whether it's cutting through poultry bones or cutting open those anti-theft plastic containers, these bad boys can handle just about anything you throw at it. Mairico Ultra Sharp Kitchen Shears - $9.99 Get it HERE.



If you're trying to stick to a diet, or are just meticulous about using exact amounts of ingredients, this kitchen scale is just what you'll need. Stainless Steel Digital Kitchen Scale (11 lbs max) - $13.99 Get it HERE.


Get yourself an upgraded set of kitchen cutlery that are both durable and stylish. La Cote Homeware Cutlery (Prices Vary) Get it HERE.


Add that smokey flavor and aroma to your favorite foods with the Mazonia Portable Infusion Smoker - $25.99 Get it HERE.


Now you can make slicing up your favorite fruits and veggies a breeze while enjoying a full lifetime warranty with this German Engineered and BPA free 5 Blade Mandoline Slicer and Julienne by Mueller - $29.99 Get it HERE.


No kitchen is complete without a Chef's knife. This professional grade, ultra sharp, high-carbon stainless steel knife is the perfect addition for any level of home or professional cook. Complete with an ergonomic rosewood handle it will also look great in your kitchen. PAUDIN Pro 8 Inch Chef's Knife - $25.00 Get it HERE.


It's time to be an adult and stop using those plastic measuring cups you've had since college, and take your kitchen game up a notch with these Stainless Steel Measuring Cups & Spoon Set - $9.95 Get it HERE.



The only thing worse than undercooked meat is overcooked meat. Now you can avoid both embarrassing situations at your next cookout with this Instant Read Digital Meat Thermometer - $9.99 Get it HERE.


Maybe you're just too busy to hard boil eggs the old fashion way, or maybe you're just terrible at it. Solve both issues with this handy dandy egg cooker (6 eggs max) and get the perfect hard boiled, poached, and even scrambled eggs, every time! Dash Rapid Egg Cooker - $22.99 Get it HERE.


Meal prep and planning is a key part to a good diet for weight loss or weight gain. Now it's easier than ever with these 3 Compartment Meal Prep Containers BPA Free, Microwave & Dishwasher Safe (15 Pack) - $14.99 Get it HERE.


If you've never had coffee drip brewed in a Chemex, what are you even doing with your life? Solve the mystery and find out for yourself today! Chemex 8 Cup Coffee Maker - $40.99 Get it HERE.


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