
13 Cool Things People Learned Today

It's always fun when you learn something new. Here are 13 people that just went through the same feeling, and learned something new. Maybe you will too. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/



TIL when a city had replaced all their intersections with roundabouts, construction costs dropped $125,000, fuel savings reached 24k gallons/year per roundabout and injury accidents dropped 80%.


TIL Paul McCartney was 14 years old when he wrote "When I'm Sixty Four." When later recorded, it was performed in a lower key and sped up so his voice would sound younger.


TIL that Charles Darwin often gave his old papers to his children for them to doodle on. Thus, much of what survives of his original Origin of Species manuscript represents the best of his children's writing and drawings, rather than the best of his work.



TIL that tennis shoes were originally made for the British Navy when on their slippery decks. When the shoes came into the market in 1892, they were known as plimsolls. The shoes were then given the name sneakers because they had no sound when walking.


TIL that in the 4th century CE, Roman bishop Acacius of Amida sold all the church's treasures to free 7000 Persian prisoners captured by the Romans during war. The Persian emperor was so impressed by the act that he ordered an end to Christian persecution throughout his empire.


TIL those charities that collect 'Pop Tabs' from soda/beer cans make money via the recycling value of the metal. 23 tabs are worth 1 cent. 1lb of tabs is worth 50 cents.


TIL the language of Madagascar is related to the languages of Malaysia, Hawaii, and Easter Island.



TIL Before 2012, Pizza Hut was the largest purchaser of kale in the US, but they only used it as garnish for their salad bars.


TIL about Cynane, Alexander the Great's warrior half-sister. Unlike most women of the time, she was given a martial education, and led her own troops into battle. She slew an Illyrian queen in battle, defeated the army of one of Alexander's generals, and after she was killed by Alcetas, his troops rioted.


TIL From 1979 until 2007, residents of Naco, Mexico, and Naco, United States, played volleyball over the border fence, batting the ball back and forth between the two countries. A taller border fence meant volleyball could no longer unite the twin towns.



TIL that a single cough can travel at speeds of 50 mph, and emit about 3,000 droplets in just one go.


TIL that gelatin is obtained by boiling cattle and pig carcasses.


TIL that a California court ruled that a man was not entitled to the $3 billion market value of his cells, which his doctor had secretly commercialized after removing his spleen.

Categories: Ftw Wow Cool Stuff Epic Facts Win

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