12 Real But Random Bill Murray Stories

Random, amazing stories about comedy legend Bill Murray.


He once turned up at a random student house party in Paris, washed the dishes in the kitchen and then left.


In May, 2014, wedding photographer Raheel Gauba was out on a photo shoot with Erik Rogers and Ashley Donald, when suddenly the expressions on their faces went from candid to pure shock. Gauba invited Murray over to pose with the young couple for a few shots, to which he obliged, and then took off.


It was a simple afternoon, when Chris DiLella and his fellow kickballers were playing a game in a field on New York City's Roosevelt Island. Then, things got a bit more interesting. Bill 'popped out of nowhere' and began playing the game for around thirty minutes.



Back in 2009, Bill showed up at a construction site in Manhattan, where Poet's House, a 60,000-volume poetry library in New York City was being built. Bill read 'Poet's Work' by Lorine Niedecker and 'I dwell in possibility' by Emily Dickinson, and made sure to keep it comical.


Bill Murray attends Austin's SXSW festival and hangs out with Wu-Tang clan. He shows up with them at the bar Shangri-La and insists on bartending, only serving patrons shots of tequila. No matter what they ordered, he pours them a lot of tequila.


He once turned up at a random student house party in London, played the drums and then left.


Marvin Larry Reynolds, of Jedburg, South Carolina, invited Murray to his 64th birthday party in September 2014. Of course, Murray showed up. But he didn't just sit quietly in the corner, he and other attendees were filmed dancing to classic tracks like "Turn Down For What."


He has often been photographed sitting by the side of the road in LA listening to, and singing along to Bob Dylan.


He is known to randomly ride standard commuter flight and talk to complete strangers about random topics.



Back in 2008, Bill was at the MGMT Halloween show, he also helped the guests clean up old beer bottles.


Over Memorial Day weekend 2014, a handful of guys from Boston College are in Charleston, SC, for a bachelor party when Bill Murray turns up and offers some words of wisdom to the groom.


A group of friends go out to have a few drinks at a bar called Karaoke One 7 in New York City. Mike, the guy who reported this story to authorities, notices a couple of women who have just walked in with a guy that looks just like Bill Murray...because he IS Bill Murray.


Tags: bill murray

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