12 Pointers to Change How You Think

If you’re afraid to do something, but it’s a good idea, then be afraid and do it anyway. Via loubird12500.

If you think you know something, find someone who disagrees and LISTEN to them. Via apopheniac1989.

Too many people are trying to find the right person, and too few people are trying to *be* the right person. Via faelsoss.
If you’re afraid to go back to school because you’re old and won’t have your degree until you’re even older, you can decide not to go back to school and you’ll still become even older anyway, but without the degree. Via luckyhenry.
Don't be a jerk to your dog. He's a few years of your life, but you are all of his. Via kwyjiboe.
You’re not confined to your wheelchair--you’re liberated from your bed by it. Via RedheadBanshee.
Everyone you meet knows something you don't. You’re surrounded by potential teachers. Via maelfey.
If a loved one is dying, you’ll have your whole life to freak out about it--don't do it in front of them. Via DiffidentDissident.
A father said to the oldest of 3 kids: "Any decision you make in this household, you make three times. Once when you make it, once when your brother makes the same decision after watching you do it, and once when your sister makes the same decision after watching you and your brother do it. How you treat your brother will tell him how he can treat your sister; and how you treat your sister tells her how she will expect to be treated for the rest of her life, even as far as her future boyfriends." Anyone who looks up to you will base their decisions--in part--on how you handle similar situations. Via Mutericator.
The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so try to make yourself as interesting as possible. Via PM_ME_WALLPAPERS.