
12 Must Have Products For The Drunkard In You

When you're an occasional beer drinker or functioning alcoholic these will make your drinking much more enjoyable.


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While everyone else is sipping their brews out of plain old cans, you can showcase your authenticity as a beer drinker with the Das Can-in-Stein Beer Can Holder - $18.99 Get it HERE


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Whether you are planning on getting shitfaced, or just don't want to feel miserable after a night out on the town, then this 6 pack of All Natural Hangover Recovery drinks are just what you need. Non GMO, Vegan, Soy Free - $34.99 Get it HERE


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Keep track of your travels and craft brew experiences with this stylish Wooden USA Craft Beer Bottle Cap Map - $34.95 Get it HERE



Avoid those drunken accidents like pissing everywhere except the toilet with a 2 Pack Vintar 16 Color LED Motion Sensor Toilet Night Light - $16.99 Get it HERE


Maybe you want to experiment with making your own craft beer, or just want to save a few bucks on those pricey craft brews, get it done with the Mr. Beer Premium Edition 2 Gallon Homebrew Kit - $49.99 Get it HERE


Who's got time to run back and forth to the cooler or in and out of the house? Now you can just carry your brews with you anywhere you are with the 12 Pack Tactical Beer Can Bandolier - $17.99 Get it HERE


Maybe you're clumsy when you drink or just want to avoid any potential accidents. Solve both of those problems with the Stainless Steel Pint "Glass" With Built In Bottle Opener - $12.99 Get it HERE


Sometimes you change your mind after opening another beer, or maybe something came up and you don't have time to finish it. Avoid wasting beer with these Silicon Cap Beer Bottle Saver 6 pack - $9.99 Get it HERE


Cool off on those hot as hell summer days and turn your beer into a slushy with this Frozen Beer Slushy Machine - $52.99 Get it HERE



Maybe drinking your booze just isn't hip enough for you, or maybe you are short on time. Either way now you can get the job done (faster) with the Vape Shot Alcohol Vaporizing Pump - $19.99 Get it HERE


Nothing is worse than a warm beer. Now you can easily avoid that with these Stainless steel Beer Chiller Sticks 2 Pack - $13.99 Get it HERE


Show your liver some love after all of the abuse you've put it through with these EASE Liver Detox Supplement Packet (10 Count) - $13.99 Get it HERE


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