11 Walmart Employees Dish Out Horror Stories From The Job
The retail giant never disappoints when it comes to ridiculousness.

“They hand me a softball-sized wad of receipts. Searching through those receipts to find every single item would have taken days. Thankfully a loss prevention associate told them that we cannot do the return. Certainly saved me a headache.”

“Standing in line at the checkout, this woman who was wearing a leather vest and fully embraced the cowgirl spirit with her boots and hat was sweet talking the man standing next to her. I could tell he was not in the mood for anything but getting through checkout and going home. She picked up on this and chose to flirt with another male. Instead of being subtle she turned around and proudly held her vest open giving him a fantastic view of the goods. He nervously blushed, looked away and switched lines.”
“No ID no sale. I’m sure everyone in retail gets this. It just bugs the heck out of me. Especially when they proceed to tell me their birthday like I’m going to let it slide all because they spouted off a date. Sorry…but no.”

“A punctured hose which cost $50 was returned and refunded. After I bid her farewell she argued with me for 5 minutes that she gets to keep the hose. My tone must have slapped some sense into her because I saw the dim lightbulb flicker above her head and she slowly walked away.”
“Standing in line at the checkout, this woman who was wearing a leather vest and fully embraced the cowgirl spirit with her boots and hat was sweet talking the man standing next to her. I could tell he was not in the mood for anything but getting through checkout and going home. She picked up on this and chose to flirt with another male. Instead of being subtle she turned around and proudly held her vest open giving him a fantastic view of the goods. He nervously blushed, looked away and switched lines.”
“42 inch TV for $100. Good deal, right? Everyone else thought so too which is why they sold out immediately. A lady came in at the end of Black Friday and asked if we had any more TV’s. I pointed to the empty pallet and wished her better luck next time. “Could there be any more in the back?” She would not take no for an answer and asked to talk to a manager. She asked the manager the same thing. Still wouldn’t accept the truth so…I was sent to check. 10 minutes pass as I check my phone and eat a Snickers. I walk back up and give her the same answer as before. Only then did she storm off outraged that we could be that cruel.”
“I ring up children’s cold medicine and cigarettes for the customer. Not enough money. “Put back the medicine.” I don’t know if he was a complete a*****e or…wait, you can’t justify that. I lost a little faith in humanity that day.”
“I was on a mission to retrieve an item for a customer when a more important task came to my attention. A little boy was walking aimlessly through the produce with no other human in sight. I asked him where his parents work and he shrugged his shoulders. After searching half the store we found them clear on the other end just minding their own business. I became strict telling them they need to keep him in sight to be sure nothing happens to them. They became annoyed. I was outraged.”
“I guided him to the music CDs, particularly the Latino music which he was supposedly quite fond of. He asked me to tell him the names of the CDs and afterward, he would ask me what picture was on the front. It was all fine until I came across a CD with a woman’s almost completely exposed bewbs on the cover. I tried to be as vague as possible but he kept wanting more detail. Thank God he had a time limit to catch a bus or else I would have been there all day.”
“What kills me is not that she paid a majority in quarters (about $58) but the fact that to pay for the rest she handed me a $20 bill. As the CHANGE DUE flashed on my screen displaying $18.00 in bold red font, I was tempted to ask her one question. ‘Would you like that back in quarters?'”
“She drops her eggs and she dropped a gallon of milk too. That was a fun mess to clean up.”
“A lady tried to return her underwear. These things looked to be more than a year used. There were stains (you read that right) rips and frayed fabric. Needless to say, the refund was declined.”
“Lady walks up to register talking on the phone. She proceeds to shush me when I talk to her. Oh I’m sorry, did my register interrupt your phone call? The thing is it always does that.”