
12 Things Worth Spending Your Hard Earned Money On

Things that are awesome to have, and would also make great gifts.


Want a simple way to have your favorite drink on the airplane, without waiting for the beverage service? The Carry On Cocktail Kit - The Old Fashioned $15.00 Get it HERE


Ever wanted to be a secret agent? With this awesome piece of video game nostalgia you'll be sure to complete your mission. 007 James Bond Goldeneye Watch - $19.99 Get it HERE


If you want to be a better person but are too lazy to put in the work, this book is the perfect thing for you. Faking It:Seem Like a Better Person Without Actually Improving Yourself - $14.99 Get it HERE



Feel like popping some pimples but sadly you outgrew your acne in your 20's? Fear not! Now you can pop pop pop all day with this Pimple Popping Toy - $19.99 Get it HERE


Got some spare room on your desk or coffee table? Why not put your love for everyone's favorite Guardians of the Galaxy Character on display? Baby Groot Flower Pot / Pen Holder - $9.99 Get it HERE


Everyone knows glitter can be a huge pain in the ass to clean up, making this the perfect prank for a deserving friend, family member, or coworker. Spring Loaded Glitter Bomb - $26.99 Get it HERE


Who doesn't want to run around in an inflatable T-Rex Costume? Perfect for a wide variety of occasions and events. Jurassic World Inflatable T-Rex Costume - $47.99 Get it HERE


Got something special to say? Why not do it in the style of a neon sign? Make Your Own Neon Sign Lights - $20.99 Get it HERE


The only thing that could make your car's badass sound system even cooler, is a Sound Activated LED Equalizer Car Decal - $14.89. Get it HERE



Whether you're actually a dark assassin or just want an awesome display piece, this dagger is the perfect solution to either situation. Dark Assassin Dagger with Sheath - $8.99 Get it HERE


Add a bit of character to your lighting with a simulated flickering flame. LED Flame Emulating Light Bulb - $18.66 Get it HERE


Impress your friends and show off your unmatched level of class during your next poker night with a Deck of Gold Playing Cards - $24.99 Get it HERE


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