
11 Quick Tips That Could Help You Out

I'm the kind of person who always likes to acquire knowledge, because you just never know when it'll come in handy.

It's been years since my hands have smelled like garlic, and it's because of a tip I found in a gallery just like this one! I'll add my own little wrinkle to it - you don't have to hold a knife if that feels unsafe. Any stainless steel item will do since stainless steel pulls away the ions that cause odor. I personally just rub my hands all over the faucet.

If that wasn't enough, here are even more helpful life tips.


microwaves use - Ccco Ccco bra

"Most modern microwaves have a mute function that activates by holding start for 3 seconds."


feature phone - Wxyz 7. Tuv Pors o Delete Emergency

"Found a lost iPhone? Pull up the passcode lock screen, hit ‘emergency,’ and then the ‘medical ID’ option. If the owner has input any info, it will be there."


Credit card - & X

"If you’re staying at a hotel & you get a call from the front desk asking for your card information — hang up the phone & walk to the lobby to handle it in person. The phone call may be a scam."



"If you already have a dog and are planning on getting another, introduce them by immediately walking them together the first time they meet. The distraction of the walk keeps them from possibly getting hostile and gives them time relax and adjust to another dog, during a fun activity for them."


"If you cook or steam food on the stove and don’t feel like cleaning up immediately, leave the lid on the pot. It will prevent everything from drying out and make it much easier to clean the next day."


"When you buy a basil (or another herb) plant, you’re actually buying 5 or 6 plants clumped together, designed to outcompete each other and die. Split these plants up into separate pots so they have a better chance for survival (and you’ll have more basil)."


"Before getting a tattoo, make it your wallpaper first for at least a month. You can assess how you feel about it over time."


"Before painting a room or a house, find a company or organization whose logo or advertising you like and find their “brand standards.” They’ve already done their research about what colors look good together."


"Leave a note with the wrong PIN-Code for your debit card in your wallet."



"If you’re too shy to make eye contact with someone, just look at their nose instead of their eyes. They won’t feel any difference."


"After touching garlic, hold your fingers on a knife underwater to get the smell off."

Categories: Wow

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