
11 Pics From the Darker Side of Life

Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. These are some stories about people and events that aren't one we enjoy reliving but are still worth remembering. For if you forget history, well, you know the rest.

And if you like galleries like this, we recommend you check out: Normal Looking Photos With Twisted Backstories

People always say that life is fleeting, but every now and then it is important to be reminded of that fact, so you perhaps take it all in just a little more. Every time you get in a car, board a plane, cross the street, or even just wake up in the morning there is a chance that something catastrophic, life changing, or even worse can happen. Make sure to always tell your loved ones how you feel, and do your best not to wait until tomorrow to change the things you want to change about your life. You never know, there might not be a tomorrow to do it.


Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. These are some stories about people and events that aren't one we enjoy reliving but are still worth remembering. For if you forget history, well, you know the rest.

And if you like galleries like this, we recommend you check out: Normal Looking Photos With Twisted Backstories

People always say that life is fleeting, but every now and then it is important to be reminded of that fact, so you perhaps take it all in just a little more. Every time you get in a car, board a plane, cross the street, or even just wake up in the morning there is a chance that something catastrophic, life changing, or even worse can happen. Make sure to always tell your loved ones how you feel, and do your best not to wait until tomorrow to change the things you want to change about your life. You never know, there might not be a tomorrow to do it.


Heather Price Papayoti moments before she would jump to her death off the Hoover Dam, taken by an unsuspecting tourist, 2014


On the day of his execution for the murder of his employer, Dennis Dilda was allowed to sit for this portrait with his family. 1886



Nicole Carol Miller, boarding Flight 93 on 9/11/2001. She would be dead just a few hours later


A group of 6th graders, their teachers, and two National Geographic employees just before boarding Flight 77 on September 11, 2001.


Young boy performing the “doll test”, 1947. When asked to pick the “nice/good doll” the vast majority of both black and white kids chose a white one. When asked to pick the bad doll they chose the one with brown skin. This was especially the case in children in segregated schools


Japanese troops using Indian Pow’s for target practice


Last Instagram post of photographer Anthony Causi who passed away from Covid 19


Am i not a man and a brother? Anti-slavery propaganda. 1800s



Yoko Moriwaki, a Japanese girl who lived in Hiroshima during World War II. She kept a diary starting in April 1945. Her last entry was on August 5, 1945, the day before she was killed in the atomic bombing of the city. She was thirteen. Her diary has since been published in many languages


Five teens charged for murder after throwing rocks off an overpass


The Utica Crib, as shown in this illustration, was a crib like structure used in mental asylums and institutes from the 19th to 20th centuries, it was used to restrain patients from lashing out


Post-mortem pic of a whole family sharing a single coffin. On Jan. 25, 1894, Mary Keller (29) shot and killed her husband Emil (30), her baby Anna (9 months) and finally herself. It’s suspected she had suffered a relapse of what we now call post-partum depression

Categories: Ouch

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