11 DL Ways to Keep Your Sh*t Private

Since the dawn of time— books have been for smart people, but now they are for sketchy people too.
You can snag this book that's also a safe here on Amazon for $16.99.
You may have always asked yourself "why is my hairbrush not also a place where I can store wads of cash?"
Well, your dreams have been answered, pal. Brush away your secrets here on Amazon for $14.95.
Since the dawn of time— car cigarette lighters have been for people who like to smoke, but now they are for people who like to pop pills too.
You can easily turn your lighter into a pill bottle here on Amazon for only $4.99.
Since the dawn of time— Arizona Iced Tea cans have been for stoners, but now they are also for stoners too.
Hide your valuables in the can here on Amazon for just $10.97.
Sharpies aren't just for sniffing. They're also for hiding.
Become the sneakiest of bastards here on Amazon for $11.95.
Nothing stinks more than having your secrets out in the open.
Get your enemies off your scent with a deodorant cache here on Amazon $18.20.
You know what rocks? Hiding your keys under a handy rock.
You can get one here on Amazon for $6.99, or at least find out what they look like.
Everyone needs an outlet. Why not hide stuff in yours?
Make your home a den of intrigue and deception by buying one here for $9.23 on— you guessed it Amazon.com
Enough with the hydration. Finally water bottles can be used for their intended purpose.
I'm aqua-finna tell you where to get one: $12.29 on Amazon here.
There are two things all security guards are afraid to check: their bank balances, and tampons.
Blame it on your girlfriend here on Amazon for $14.95.