
11 Pathetic Rooms and Homes Found on r/MaleLivingSpaces

Sometimes men can get by with nothing more than a thin matress and a pillow, while other times all they need are 30 cans of Mountain Dew and an X-Box. There rooms make us feel not just sad, but upset.


The bare walls and gaming laptop suggest there will never be a need for the second chair in the room. Look around you - does the room you're in right now resemble this picture?


It's not the many empty plastic bottles or the xbox being used to keep the chair level that makes this place upsetting, as much as the idea that this man owns a home but still manages to wake up next to a cardboard box every day. Look beside you. Do you see cardboard?


This man at least recognizes his life has gone off the rails, but have you, reader? Look at your floor. You're a pig.



Life's affinity for life is beautiful up until the moment it turns into hoarding. Lose a few plants, and see how many less flies you have!


There's a difference between being a minimalist and being a lonely shut-in who makes people sad to think about, and the difference is that you are not a minimalist.


Shelves of empty liquor bottles don't make you look "cool" or "manly." They make you look like you're very disappointed with the way your life has turned out. But there's always time to change, reader. There's hope for you still.


A larger, higher resolution television won't fill the empty space in your heart. Only human warmth and kindness can do that, but you've spent years making that an impossibility for yourself.


This man has the right approach: seeking help. Ask the people in your life for kindness and companionship. It doesn't make you weak.


You stare into the black depths of your Funko Pop's eyes, but nothing looks back at you. 'Was this what people looked like?' you ask yourself. And then you turn back to your computer.



If you spend 50% of your time in a single room, and that space isn't a submarine, you are clinically depressed. But it's ok. It happens. And there are people out there willing to help you.


This one is mine actually.

Categories: Wtf

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