
11 Awesome Gifts For Fathers Day That Are Under $100

Help bring your Dad or Husband into the 21 century.


Does Dad have bad breath? The Oral-B Pro 1000 Electric Toothbrush isn't just for Dad's, we think everyone should have one, but when's a better time to get yourself and Dad on the right side of oral hygiene.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $39.94.


The SKLZ Gold Flex golf swing strength trainer is perfect for Dad's trying to find time to improve their golf game.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $49.60.


Is Dad always losing his keys? Well, never again with the Tile Mate Key Finder.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $16.43.



The Echo Dot will help Dad connect to his favorite shows, news programs and music without ever touching a button.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $49.99.


The Foscam Wireless Security Camera is an essential addition to any home security system, that will help you rest easy.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $75.95.


This Canvas & Leather Toiletry Dob Kit is perfect for Dads who need to keep their man products all in one place.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $19.99.


This Sony Portable Bluetooth Speaker is great for when dad is grilling up some burgers or having a cold one by the fire.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $98.


The Remington PG6171 is an 11 piece beard trimming and groomer kit every Dad needs to grow that perfect grey beard.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $40.


The Swiss Army Knife is an essential Father's Day gift, that every man should have.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $47.76.



The Mophie Powerstation is a portable phone charger for the working dads out there who never not on their phones.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $69.97.


The Oral-B Pro 1000 Electric Toothbrush isn't just for Dad's but will help Dad get on the right side of oral hygiene.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $39.94.


And lastly, the New Balance Men's Training Shoe your Dad is currently wearing are stained green, so go on and get Dad a fresh new pair.

You can pick this up at Amazon for about $32.

Categories: Ftw

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