
Authorities Called After Bodies Left to Decompose in Trucks On The Street

A funeral home in Brooklyn ran out of space for the dead and so they began keeping corpses in trucks on the street.


Cadaver - Ap

News broke earlier today that nearly '100-bodies' had been found rotting in Uhaul trucks on the streets of Brooklyn. But what the sensationalist reports forgot to highlight in their headlines, was that the bodies, which only some lay in non-refrigerated trucks, were there because The Andrew Cleckley Funeral Home had put them there, and not out of negligence, but necessity.


document - Eric Adams I'm heading out to Flatlands right now to investigate this complaint. This is exactly what I spoke about over the weekend regarding the urgent need for reform in the handling of bodies and burial processes. We demand decent treatment

Authorities called to the area after neighbors complained of a terrible smell coming from one the trucks, and according to CNN, someone had even seen "fluids dripping onto the street."


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There are few words to describe just how utterly disgusting this is.



Authorities arrived and began loading the bodies out of the smaller Uhaul trucks and planning on getting the funeral a larger cold truck.


But it is hard to understate how badly the city and state prepared for the Coronavirus pandemic. And what should be the obvious, and access of cold trucks for storing bodies, falls to the way-side, leaving small funeral homes to fend for themselves by having to rent damn UHaul trucks to store the overflow. And the kicker, the one truck that wasn't refrigerated was being filled with ice, you know, because if they hadn't, the smell would have been even worse.




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