
10 Websites to Visit When You're Bored

When your boss isn't looking.


The Garden of Earthly Delights is one of Jheronimus Bosch's most famous paintings. Now this amazing high-def virtual tour of the painting will let you select sections of the famous print, along with written and audio notes about the piece. Here


The creepy girl is a little old, however still holds up. The entire website is just a creepy Asian woman with bloodshot eyes, that follows your cursor where you move it, every once in awhile smiling insanely. If you're on a strong sativa, beware of this site. Here


FactSlides is just what it sounds like, a website full of facts that are beautifully laid out on individual slides. The user clicks right or left to reveal strange and unknown facts. Here



GeoGuessr is a game that uses Google Maps: Street View as it's platform. It drops the user on a street somewhere in the world, the user must walk around, looking for clues (signs, landmarks, nature) to where they have been dropped. A map on the side of the screen lets you pick where you think you are and shows you how far away from your destination you really are. Here


Mental Floss is known for it's awesome article on everything you can think of, but it is the quiz section that really takes the cake. These quizzes can be addictive so make sure you have plenty of time to work through everything that catches your eye. Here


Here's a Tumblr that always seems to piss people off, however, it's extremely hard to stop clicking on. Rich Kids of Instagram is just what it promises, a bunch a spoiled little shits with ridiculously expensive toys. Here


Create your own photos with falling sand controlled by holding down your mouse button. You can submit the galleries to the site and look through favourite ones by the users. It's pretty amazing what some people are able to create. Here


At Ocearch, you are able to track great white sharks that have been tagged and released. Follow sharks as they move around the globe with 24-hour updates. You can even click on the shark you are tracking to get their stats, photos and information. Here


Trying to figure out what to make for dinner after work? Or trying to impress your date with dinner, but you have no time to go to the store? Well, SuperCook is the website for you. It uses ingredients you have in your home to search the web for recipes you can make without having to pick anything else up on your way home. Here



This is Why I'm Broke is a website for you to buy all the shit you didn't know you needed. Although it's super fascinating to see what this site offers, beware, it can turn into a money pit pretty easily. Here

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