10 of the Weirdest Unexplained Photos in History

A giant pyramid shaped UFO hovering over the Kremlin caused a frenzied speculation in Russia that it was an alien spacecraft.

In the Al-Hayit region of Saudi Arabia, keyhole and pendant shapes varying in sizes have been photographed. these unexplained objects are often found arranged along “avenues” that are invisible to builders of modern highways.

A number of people claimed to have seen UFOs in Cambridgeshire, UK, after dazzling orange lights were spotted on the sky. Where they came from and what exactly they were is still a mystery.

This portrait of “The Brown Lady” ghost is arguably the most famous and well-regarded ghost photograph in history. The ghost is thought to be that of Lady Dorothy Townshend.
These images from the 12th century manuscript “Annales Laurissenses” depicts the Saxon siege of Sigiburg Castle, France, in the year 776. The Crusaders had the medieval French completely surrounded when the “flaming shields” suddenly appeared in the sky. Were they UFOs or some type of beings?
The pterodactyls is said to have become extinct 150 million years ago, but what the heck is this thing then?
This carved facade can be seen in the temples of Ta Prohm, in Cambodia. It is from the 11th century AD. That's clearly a stegosaurus carved onto it. How is it possible people knew of them if they went extinct millions of years ago, and were discovered centuries after the temple was built?
The ghost of Osaka Hospital, a weird apparition caught on camera that in a Japanese hospital. Taken with a low resolution camera, it looks like a humanoid shape bending over a bed.
This very large unknown creature was sighted by Japanese fishermen at the Antarctic. There are other reports of sighting this animal-like humanoid - but according to them it had arms AND legs.