10 Examples Why Women Live Longer Than Men bobwest123 Published 02/12/2015 It is safe to say that women will always outlive men. 1. Bro, you sure about this? Save 2. They see me rollin, they hatin... Save 3. Bro I got this! Save Advertisement 4. Was it red wire to red wire? Save 5. And she said I couldn't reach it... Save 6. What could go wrong? Save 7. Quick! My leg's on fire, man! Save 8. Guys! Let's get under the JCB. Save 9. Let me first take this picture before alerting him. Save Advertisement 10. Don't worry, bro, you got this! Save 44 69,296 Views 45 Comments 3 Favorites Tags: funny men woman Next Show Comments Next on eBaum's No Articles Found No Articles Found Sorry, we were unable to load more articles Try Again! Congratulations! You've reached the end of the never-ending list. {{title}}