
10 Deadly Weapons For Hand Combat

Batman loves his hand-to-hand combat and if you do too, you should see these mostly historical weapons.


Pata or patta, is a glove-sword mix. Basically it's a sword with a gauntlet integrated as a handguard. The moves you could do with these were said to be much more complex than using a sword, plus you couldn't be disarmed easily. On the bad side you couldn't drop the sword to do something requiring use of two hands.


By the way, the popular push dagger is a descendant of pata.


Cestus was basically a glove with metal elements used by gladiators in Rome.



Suntetsu is a pointed stick on a stabilizing ring. This weapon was hidden in a sleeve and used in a surprise attack, mostly to get away from someone that came too close to you. Country of origin: Japan.


Turkana Corogat Finger Knife.


The Turkana Tribe also has a Finger Place. These are used not so much for fighting as to extract teeth and skin from animals.


But as you can see the finger knife called "Corodat" looks lika a claw and can inflict wounds if necessary.


SAP gloves. These gloves look like normal biker gloves but are filled with metal parts. You do NOT want to be hit in the face with these.


Bagh Nakh. This weapon from India is inspired by claws of a Bengal Tiger. The cut from these not only inflicts four hurtful cuts but also inflicts panic. It can be also used in climbing.



Halfmoon Blades, also called Deer Horns, Twin Bows and other names, were created by a Chinese tax collector Dong Haichuan. He was apparently attacked by robbers a lot so he made these. The Halfmoon Blades are good when you master them but novices often hurt themselves more than the enemy.


Tekko. It's some kind of a brass knuckle, but they are interesting for another reason. This Japanese weapon was not used by warriors but by... farmers from Okinawa (Mistah Miyagi anyone?), these farmers were often attacked by sword-wielding Samurai and had to use martial arts to defend themselves. Farmers were forbidden to use swords so they used Tekko to parry swords, and actually with some success.


Gadlings are like Cestus but instead of gloves being from cloth they're also metal, with spikes.


Push Dagger. Do you remember "Platoon"? Well then watch what Barnes did with the use of these.

Categories: Ouch Ftw Wow

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