
10 Crazy Lawsuits That Will Make Wonder... WTF?

You'll pound your gavel in disbelief over these crazy proceedings.


A Brazilian invented caller ID technology more than 25 years ago. Today he is in 40 lawsuits claiming for his royalties that, in total, are more than 25 billion dollars.


A man was so enraged by spam, that he quit his job to study law and now makes a living filing lawsuits against spammers.


Jonathan Lee Riches got the Guinness world record for having filed the highest number of lawsuits in the world. When he heard of this, he sued the Guinness Book of World Records.



A couple in Texas didn’t agree with a $125 fee from their wedding photographer, so they posted false claims on social media that bashed the photographer’s business. The photographer sued them for defamation, and won $1.08 million.


In Kansas in 2009, a man fleeing the police broke into a couple’s house and held them at knife-point. He told the couple he would give them money in exchange for hiding him from the police. But once he fell asleep, the couple turned him in. The man then tried to sue them for $235,000 for breach of contract.


Eminem’s mom once tried to sue him for $11 million for defamation and ended up settling for $25,000. But out of that, $23,354 went to her lawyer.


A couple sued AC/DC in 1981 for $250,000 because their telephone number is in the song “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” resulting in hundreds of prank calls.


A Chinese farmer who quit school in the third grade spent 16 years teaching himself law to sue a chemical company for polluting his village. Wang Enlin couldn’t afford to buy all the law books, so he studied at a local bookstore. He paid the store in bags of corn to let him sit and read, copied all the information by hand and learned what he could with the help of a dictionary. He won the case in 2017.


The Beastie Boys won a lawsuit against a company for the unauthorized use of their song “Girls” and had the $1 million settlement donated to a charity supporting education for girls.



A white American became a Japanese citizen, and successfully sued a business that refused entry to non-Japanese for racial discrimination, winning $25,000 in damages.

Categories: Ftw

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