One angry truck driver decided to drop an impromptu master class in projection, skyrocketing to viral infamy after calling a fellow driver a “Karen” through his window — despite actually appearing to be the Karen himself.


The verbal beatdown began on none other than Southern California’s 405 Highway after a driver dared to pull into a lane near the truck-steering a-hole, who had insisted that his work vehicle take up two lanes in order to prevent “anyone merging in front of him,” according to Redditor u/No_Significance6692, who uploaded the clip onto r/OrangeCounty.

Though the driver in question “Did NOT hit or even come close to hitting the truck,” per the Reddit user, the truck driver was peeved, so much so that he offered a full-on auditory smackdown even as the logo for his company — OC Water Damage Restoration — remained in full view.

“Don’t be a p—y! Don’t be p—y!” he yelled at the driver, their cars still speeding along the freeway. Despite his shameless words, the truck operator in question was less than thrilled to discover the driver was filming him, dubbing him a “Karen b—h” upon noticing his camera.

“You’re such a f-g!” he continued, before insisting that if he were the driver’s age, he would “get out and rip you out of the car!”

While the man didn’t make good on his promise, we nonetheless appreciate his dedication to Boomer rage. As u/Highside2023 so aptly put it, “I don't normally road rage but when I do I make sure the name and phone number of my workplace and livelihood are clearly displayed on my vehicle.”