Chances are your social media feeds are currently being dominated by people on epic “Euro Summer” vacations, or perhaps you’re even on one yourself. Either way, you know that they’re expensive undertakings that require a lot of planning, which is why one TikToker waited the entire length of her nine-week vacation with her boyfriend before letting him know she knew he’d been cheating on her for the entirety of their relationship. Luckily for those of us who like a mess, she documented the entire thing online.


Sharing her first video on July 31st, “I Know Girl” posted photos of her now ex-boyfriend in front of iconic landmarks while she held handwritten Post-It notes in front of the camera. Her story, shared on the Post-Its, reads, “My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half. He told me 6 months in that he loved me. We moved in together and started planning for our future. He did all the little things to make me feel loved and appreciated. But he would often take trips with his buddy to screw other women behind my back. He acted like he cared for me and loved me when he was really playing me. He doesn’t know that I know he’s cheating on me. So after this trip I’m breaking up with him.”

The caption of the video reads, “Went on a 9-week Europe trip with my bf who has been cheating on me our whole relationship bc I found out the day before and didn’t want to lose thousands of dollars in cancellation fees!”

Honestly, from a budget-conscious perspective, she made the right decision, but everyone and their mother is wondering how she kept the knowledge of the cheating to herself for nine entire weeks.

In a follow-up video, she says that it wasn’t easy, and she had to shut off her emotions and “change [her] entire mindset.” The Post-It note photos, and the video she made at the end of the trip, kept her going. “It was like my own little project that helped me process what he did and this breakup,” she explains.


In another video about the aftermath, she reveals how she sent her ex the video alongside a lengthy breakup message in which she stated that she wanted nothing to do with him and that she knew of all the instances of cheating. She added that he should have his brother come by and pick up all of his things, as he was still out of the country, traveling with the friend who had accompanied him on the trips where he would cheat. The sum total of his response was a 30-second audio message on Snapchat apologizing. She rounds out the video with, “My closure was the acceptance of who he was and what he did. I want nothing to do with him, nor will I ever.”

It’s definitely a nuclear option, but it is creative as can be. Surely it’s only a matter of time before someone uses it as the basis for a romantic comedy.