The best way to honor our troops? Harassing them for the unthinkable crime of speaking a language other than English.


Though it’s unclear what prompted this nosy right-winger to stalk a service member out of what appears to be a store and into a parking lot, whatever it was certainly was not good, the cameraman launching into an unwarranted interrogation about their polyglot status.

“What language is that sir?” he asked the armed forces member, who was clearly engaged in a phone call. “What language are you speaking?”

“Arabic,” he eventually replied, picking up his conversation.

Yet instead of taking this answer and going on his merry way, the cameraman continued to pry, grilling the army member about his military status, his citizenship, and demanding that he personally solve the border crisis.

“We need the border protected, that’s your job,” he began. “Do you understand what’s going on at the border?”

Despite the visibly irked military member’s attempts at playing coy, replying “no I don’t” to the cameraman’s bizarre inquiry, the man doubled down, continuing his bizarre line of questioning and ultimately exploding when he didn’t get the answers he was looking for.

“I’ll find out who you are, man! I’ll have you kicked out of the military if you want!” he yelled. Before denouncing the army man as a “traitor” and a “scumbag".” “Get out of my country!”

Nothing says patriotism like booting military personnel from the country they served!