A strong contender for the award for “weirdest story that probably should have been kept secret” has emerged thanks to a girl on TikTok who shared her story of the craziest thing she’s done for a crush.


Lily developed a crush on a housemate while she was an exchange student in the Netherlands, and despite rarely speaking to him and not knowing much about him, she decided to write him a book in which she outlined her feelings for him and how he made her feel. After receiving the book, he returned to his hometown for a week, and upon his return spoke to her and tried to let her down gently, explaining that he didn’t have feelings for her.

He did, however, give her a drawing he made, which she proceeded to tattoo on her chest, “in between my breasts, because that’s where it hurt most.” She also got the tattoo in red ink because red symbolized passion and feelings to her.

That wasn’t the end of the story, though. After moving home, she became a stripper, so inevitably her tattoo was being seen by customers. She explained that her tattoo artist went too deep and left a scar, and considering red ink was used, in certain lights all people can see is the scar. Lily shared that several people thought the tattoo looked like a branding mark, so she’s run with that explanation instead of the reality.

Unsurprisingly, commenters were shocked, with people calling her the “delulu queen final boss,” and asking, “No hate, but have you told this to a psychiatrist?” Others questioned her judgment over getting this worked up over a Dutch guy.

In a follow-up video, Lily revealed that going viral prompted her to reach out to the crush in question, and his response was pretty sweet, as he wrote, “I always kept the book you gave me, and when I was moving not so long ago I read it again. I’m still amazed of how much care, thought and time you put into it, and I don’t think anyone has ever given me a more personal gift to this day.”

Lily ends her video with a message to “all those who wonder what their words, what their expression can do for other people” to “go ahead and do those things because people get inspired, people appreciate, people carry those things with themselves through life.”

It started out fairly weird, but by the end of her second video, I was rooting for Lily. The crush in question seems sweet, and it’s not hard to understand how she developed such intense feelings for him.

Tattoo removal might be a good idea, however.