Have you ever wanted to be an Oscar Mayer weiner, because then everyone would be in love with you? Would you settle for being an Oscar Mayer Wienermobile driver?


Oscar Mayer is looking to hire a dozen “Hotdoggers” who will spend a year working full-time behind the wheels of one of its famous 27-foot-long Wienermobile. There are six Wienermobiles, and they travel an average of 20,000 miles annually while visiting over 20 states and handing out almost a quarter of a million Wiener Whistles. They also create content for the brand’s social media pages. The job could see employees doing anything from overseeing weddings in Las Vegas to handing out frozen hot-dog flavored popsicles to skeptical New Yorkers.

Attaining the coveted role is incredibly difficult — fewer than 1 percent of applicants are selected, and they prefer to hire people with bachelor’s degrees and social media skills — and Oscar Mayer leans into this, emphasizing the fact that “statistically speaking, more people have visited space than driven the Wienermobile!”

Unfortunately, it’s not clear that the brand actually values their Hotdoggers, as they only offer them a base salary of $35,600. In addition, you’ll also receive a weekly allowance of $150 for meals and personal travel, 18 days PTO, full health benefits and 100 percent of hotel expenses covered, but that’s still an incredibly low salary for any full-time job, let alone one that requires a college degree and time spent away from your family.

Obviously, the only people who can afford to do it are recent college graduates who don’t have to worry about paying rent while on the road for a year. It’s a shame, though, that it’s no longer possible for someone to support their family on an honest Hotdoggers’ wage. Has America really fallen so far?