When they’re not doling out free samples and single-handedly keeping society afloat with a $1.50 hot dog deal, Costco workers have one heck of a secret talent — calming angry Alberts armed with pepper spray.


Though it’s unclear what led to this checkout counter showdown, tensions had already escalated to beyond manager-calling heights, the peeved customer standing with a can of pepper spray precariously aimed towards a worker.

Old man looking to pepper spray Costco manager
byu/VariousBasket125 inPublicFreakout

“You threatened my life!” the man yelled moments after shoving the worker, who threatened to call the cops.

Yet, shortly following their terrifying showdown, another employee stepped in, ready to mediate the situation — and teach the seething Harold a lesson about wielding mace at retail workers merely trying to do their jobs.

“You can’t be threatening people here with pepper spray,” he said after confirming the contents of ornery Otis’ can. “Do you understand that? You cannot threaten people in here with pepper spray.”

After several moments of redundant, awkward back and forth, ratchety Ralph decided enough was enough, retreating from the wholesaler.

Moral of the story? If you’re heading to Costco, keep your mace in your pocket … unless you encounter a family of bears stocking up for hibernation season.