If you’ve ever wanted to learn Jiu Jitsu, TikTok’s here to help — and there’s an adorable dog to help, too.


Paul Hunter is a self-proclaimed “Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Purple Belt, Grappler (and) Intermittent Faster” who runs a TikTok page showing some of the most effective moves of the sport. However, rather than showing them off on a dummy or unsuspecting white belt, he’s found a partner who’s always down for a few rounds: his bulldog Wrigley.

Wrigley is an apt partner, staying perfectly still as Hunter demonstrates ways to make your opponent beg to be let go. Wrigley isn’t one to beg, though (except for table scraps). According to Hunter, “Wrigley never taps.”

I don’t know how to tell when a dog is really enjoying something, but Wrigley certainly doesn’t seem to mind. Throughout each video, he stays still while Hunter maneuvers him around to show off the ultimate takedowns of the sport.

“Wrigley seems to regard jiu-jitsu as cuddling,” Hunter told Newsweek. “He enjoys the touch, interaction and the attention. He knows when I get things ready to video what we're doing, and he just turns into an extremely compliant training partner. I enjoy it because it reminds Wrigley and me that we can totally trust each other.”

According to the Newsweek article, Hunter is also currently training Wrigley to be a therapy dog. If he can already stay calm in situations like these, I’m sure he’s got quite the future ahead of him.