And she doesn’t even have to pay rent!
Van life content creators used to be pretty big on the internet. Through TikTok videos and Instagram posts, they would show off their mobile lives, documenting just how cool it is to be able to travel somewhere exotic without having to shell out for a hotel.
Now, however, a lot of those van lifers have quit, largely because living in a car only slightly bigger than your body actually sucks (believe it or not). That said, maybe the problem was that their car was simply too small, and if they had opted for a former school bus like this woman did, they would still be out on the road.
And, maybe if more of these conversions looked like this, we’d all be living in this style.
Watch out, Walmart parking lot — we’re coming for you!
Appartment on wheels
byu/illHaveTwoNumbers9s innextfuckinglevel