While BBLs are becoming more and more commonplace thanks to celebrities and influencers inspiring the masses to jet off to Turkey and drop thousands of dollars so they can leave with fatter asses, we usually only see the results on social media. That is, most people will never see the results of a BBL IRL. But fortunately for visitors to Disneyland Paris, they were recently graced with the presence of Panamanian plus size model Gracie Bon, who visited the park and recorded the reactions of people around her for TikTok.


In the video, we can see dozens of onlookers gawking at Gracie’s body, with some even taking photos. In response, Gracie uploaded the video with a message imploring people to stop body shaming: “It’s time we stop body shaming other people. I wanted to have fun with my siblings, but my day was ruined by all the people making fun of the size of my body.”

“The worst part is, they teach their kids to do the same,” she continued. “They take photos of me, they give me bad looks all the time, or just kept laughing at me.”

She goes on to pre-emptively respond to people who might say it’s her own fault for being a big girl, arguing that it’s what God gave her and she has to embrace every part of her.

The message of her video is a well-meaning one, although it’s slightly undermined by the sheer number of videos on her page with similar messages of, “Nobody in [Disneyland Paris/Europe/insert location here]” can handle my body, to the point where it’s starting to feel like fetish content — the fact that she has an OnlyFans only cements this theory.

For her part, Gracie claims that her body is 100 percent natural, telling haters, “Mind you, the thighs match.” That may or may not be true, but considering how much of her content is digitally altered, it’s hard to know for sure. So like anything you see on social media, it’s worth taking with a grain of salt.