Pranks: They’re not just for technology users!


Earlier this week, TikTok user Elle (@ellebelle_999) awoke to discover something strange. Her barn, which was at a fixed position in her backyard, had moved.

“It was there last night, and it’s over there now,” she says. “Can someone tell me how that happens? It wasn’t there last night. I think I’m getting haunted by a mischievous goblin, and he’s playing tricks on me, because why is my barn walking?”

Many commenters had theories about this, but the most likely explanation is a good, ol’ fashioned Amish prank. I think that a few rumspringa fellas probably got together, lifted the barn, then ran off, laughing and slapping each other’s asses in a definitely not gay way the entire walk home.

Unfortunately for my theory, Elle later posted a follow-up saying that her dad confessed to moving the barn. However, this posed more questions than it answered.

As Elle notes, why would he do this? *How* would he does this? And why the hell wouldn’t he tell anyone before doing it?

Yet again, I think the answer is clear: Amish pranksters. Good one, boys!