If you live in a city, street performers are simply part of life. Sometimes, these buskers are a joyful addition, adding a nice little flavor to your day. Other times, they can be a massive annoyance — seriously, who wants to hear an off-key version of The Beatles’ “Yesterday” at 9 o’clock in the morning?


No matter what you think of a busker, though, you can always just walk by them. That said, if you’re a d–, you may be tempted to do something like this:

The video shows a dude named Andrew playing piano in Athens, Georgia. After a little while, a woman comes up and slams on his piano. Not the best, but it happens.

Then, when it came time to close out, he played the favorite of many drunk college kids: Billy Joel’s “Piano Man.” At this point, the woman returns and slams on the piano again — only this time, the whole thing collapses.

While she initially apologizes, she next steals money out of Andrew’s basket. When he tries to stop her, she asks if he’d like to “hit” about it. Classy!

Thankfully, the rest of the people on the street were supportive, giving Andrew tips and helping him set up his piano again.

Of course, TikTok couldn’t sit idly by and let this woman live to smash another piano. Instead, users proceeded to find all of her social media accounts and drive her off every single platform. Gotta love the internet.

As all of this was happening, she attempted to quell the situation by posting an apology to her Instagram.

In this apology (?), she says she’s taking “accountability” while also denying both that she broke the piano and that she stole the money. I mean, we all saw it happen, but hey, you do you.

She confusingly states as well that she’s “seen worse downtown.” That may be so, but you don’t have to contribute. If you see a car with a smashed window, it doesn’t give you a license to go to town on it with a baseball bat, no matter how fun it may seem.

Thankfully, she also says that she talked to Andrew and that he accepted her apology. At least we got one hero in this story!