Mihee Lucia Choe learned a valuable life lesson, albeit a tough one. When a police officer tells you to not cause a disturbance, shoving them is the quickest way to put yourself in handcuffs. 


Without slogging through the entire backstory, because trust us, there is a lot of it, I'll try to keep this short. 

Choe wanted to file a police report with the Mount Prospect Police Department against her ex-boyfriend claiming that he was harassing her. The catch is that the said ex-boyfriend had already filed an order of protection against her for harassment, an order that she allegedly broke on multiple occasions. 

In the video, Choe is seen sitting in the police station, computer in lap and in tow with a manilla folder of documents. The officer tells her that he will not be accepting a case from her and that if she wanted to sit in their waiting room she was allowed to as long as she "didn't cause a disturbance" or she would be put under arrest. 

It was at this moment she decided to turn around and demand the officer put her in handcuffs. The officer refuses and she then shoves him. 

Woman who won’t take “no” for an answer gets a felony instead
byu/Finn_Flame inPublicFreakout

So let this be a lesson kids, do what you're told, and don't be a problem. Also, congrats to her ex for getting out of dodge when he still had the chance.