After a full year of knitting and shitting, crochet TikToker mwilson203, or Madeline, has finally finished her shit blanket. Inspired by the temperature blanket fad, where people spend a year crocheting different colored layers into a blanket depending on the day's temperature, Madeline decided to make her own... except with her shits. Crocheting a new colored and textured layer every day based on the number and consistency of her poops, Madeline now has a comfy visual documentation of her 2022 bowel movements. 


Recording her shit blanket journey on TikTok, Madeline has gained a cult following, (who she calls shit heads), and the video of her final creation has almost 10 million views. In that time she's answered just about every question you could have, including the meaning behind the colors and layers. Here's the key to understanding the shit blanket. 

Not one to shy away from the facts, Madeline's 'shit blankie wrapped' is a full data breakdown of her 2022 brown bowl floaters. Her numbers are impressive, to say the least, and put other shit documenters to shame. 

The blanket's conceptual phase began back in 2021 with a video, where Madeline explains her inspiration and motivations behind making the blanket. 

Here is day 1 of its creation, and some funny updates along the way. 

After a full year of 'cro-shitting,' Madeline is understandably glad her project is finished, but that doesn't mean she regrets it. In her 'wrapped' video she says that she's proud of herself for seeing it all the way through and that she's never doing it again. Sounds like it's time to wipe this idea clean, and flush it away.