The next best thing to kicking puppies? Slapping a stranger in the face.


That’s apparently the philosophy an IRL Cruella de Vil had during a recent visit to New York City’s Citipups, giving a tourist a palm full of wrath after being booted from the store for repeatedly kicking puppy kennels.

If "fck sht up and leave" was a person
byu/tres_dos_dos inPublicFreakout

Instead of taking the L following her run-in with Citipups staffers — or better yet, reflecting on why she was antagonizing puppies in the first place — the woman decided to take her anger out on several other living creatures, scrapping with employees and shoppers alike.

After violently smacking a worker’s phone and sweeping a container of pens off of the store’s checkout counter, the woman concluded her reign of terror by slapping and spitting on a random tourist. “She was bleeding. She had a nosebleed. She was really distraught because it was her first time in New York,” Citipups manager Emilio Ortiz told local media of the woman on the other end of the slap. “Imagine it being your first day in New York, you’re just walking around, all of a sudden some crazy person just assaults you.”

While this incident would be enough to squash anyone’s Sinatra-like view of the Big Apple, the pet-store perpetrator is also still on the loose. The slapee’s pals attempted to corral the woman outside of the store, but she managed to slip away before the authorities arrived per a follow-up post shared to Citipups’ Instagram page.

Hopefully the cops can track her down posthaste. And when they do, give her prison cell a nice, hard kick for good measure.